Day 15 of my 365 Days of tenting out Pinterest Pins ...
"its no secret that I'm a big fan of glitter (and glitters cousin sequin" ... and that is the truth .. Iv been wanting to do this pin for a long time .. Glitter Magnets .. of course you can really do anything you want with the glitter stones when you are finished ... all you need is a glue gun and some imagination .. but lets stick to the task at hand ...
The original pin

What You Will Need
~ Clear flat back 'marbles' The glass dome you can find at the craft store or dollar store. Make sure they are clear, if the have an opal or pearl glaze they wont work.
Strong magnets ... they have to hold the weight of the glass dome
~ E6000 Glue .... the mother of all glues .. (from Walmart or Micheals)
~ GLITTER!!! I used both the expensive and fabulous Martha Stewart Octagon Glitter (thank you Martha) and semi fine dollar store glitter ..
~A paint brush ..
~Varnish (I used Folkart)
~Little Helpers ( I had all my nieces and nephews help .. it was a blast .. )

I set up all my gliter fabulousness in little bowls in a line .. I took one child at a time for the glitter dipping so things didnt get messy ..

Maddy Moustached the glitter :)

put a dab of glue on the back of your glass dome .. spread it with a paint brush (3 mm thick)

dip your dome in glitter! You can keep the colors solid or multi dip, get creative ..
Mary :)
let your glitter domes dry about 3 hours .. we put them on papers with each kids name ..
when your glitter is dry seal the backs with a layer of varnish .
Get a helper like my nephew Mikey!!! He was awesome ..
He even used a rag to help me wipe off any excess varnish that dripped to the front .. what a man!!!
Give the varnish another hour to dry .. if you need to speed er up use a blow dryer ..
now take your E600 glue and attach your magnets .. I forget to photograph this step so bam!
more cute pics of my awesome family!
let that glue dry and WALAAAA!!!!
Verdict ... AWESOME!! TIPS .. no glue gun .. it wont hold .. I found only E6000 worked and we used weak magnets at first that didn't hold either .. so get the good glue and the strong magnets ..
I actually made a necklace out of one of my glass domes to .. Ill update this post tomorrow and show you .. we thought about using the dome and knobs on a dresser and gluing them to a picture frame ..
Here is the fabulous necklace I made with my 'shimmer rock" I purchased a few bezels from Etsy .. "Lace Edge Bezel Cups 35mm" 4 for $2.80.
I hung a cute star charm on it after the photo .. :) magical
These are great Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! You are a crafty Michaelangelo!
ReplyDeleteSo pretty! I have 4 grand daughters that would love to help make these.. sparkly, glittery & colorful...what's not to love? Thanks for the idea!
ReplyDeleteThat necklace is magical. As are those magnets. I just so happen to have all of those supplies. Time to bedazzle!
ReplyDeleteThey are magical!!! Everytime i look at the magnets and the necklace they just make me smile!!! Glitter magnified ... What could be better!! My nieces and nephews love them too ... Im doing pastels now ... So pretty. :)
DeleteJust finished making 17 sets of 9 magnets for Christmas presents using metallic origami paper. LOVE glitter! Will have to make glitter ones just for me.
ReplyDeleteThese are really nice they remind me of dichrotic glass which can cost about $30 a piece. Pretty sure I'm going to try this. A pretty and thrifty alternative.
ReplyDeleteLove these! Very pretty! Awesome family! I especially love the necklace.
ReplyDeleteHi Anonymous :). ... Yes that link you posted is the original pin I was testing in this blog post. I posted the link above in this blog Post as well. Im testing out my favourote pinterest pins. Tweaking them if need be (the crock pot pasta pin that distinigrated into crock pot moosh). This is by far one of my favourites!! Pinterest is an amazing place to find all sorts of great ideas. Im testing out a DIY chalk paint pin now ... Not workin too well so Im tweaking ...
ReplyDeleteLove that you're testing these pins out. Lookin' forward to seeing what you work on next!
DeleteWhere did you get the necklace that is the right size for the gems??? LOVE THESE by the way... made the magnets because of this post
ReplyDeleteAre they smooth when they are done? It says to spread glue in the back, dwluldnt u do the whole thing?? And the bar ish too? Only the back? Great idea tho* 8 year old heaven!
ReplyDeleteSince the marble is clear, you will be able to see the glitter from the front as well, not just the back. Hope I helped!:)
DeleteDid you like the Martha glitter or the dollar store glitter better? Wondering how cheap I can make this :)
ReplyDeleteHere is a link to the bezel cups I used to make the necklaces .. I bought them on Etsy for a different projectr and they worked perfectley for this!
The front (the domed part) is smooth. You only apply glue and glitter to the back side (the flat side) .. so it gets magnified when you look through the side that does not have glitter on it .. very pretty. Perfect craft for an 8 year old as long as its supervised .. or else there may be 'glitter in the air" haha ... as far as dollar store verse Martha glitter .. I love the Marth glitter because it is large and hexagon shape so itreally catches and reflects the light almot like mirrors where are the smaller glitter sparkles and shimmers. The glitter I used in the necklace is actually dollar store glitter and the glass 'cabs' are from the dollar store as well .. I used dollar store magnets at first but they fell off so I found some stronger ones ... the E6000 glue is the only glue I found strong enough to hold the magnet to the glitter (a glue gun wont work) E6000 is at Micheal's for about $5. Michael s and AC Moore always have %40 off coupons on line so all in all this can be a very inexpensive craft :)
ReplyDeleteYou realize the word is "Voila", not wallaa, right?
ReplyDeleteYay!! You get an A++ Good grief......quit being so critical.
Deleteseriously!! haha
DeleteWow. Nobody's allowed to be silly anymore. Who cares how it's spelled? We got it. We're not stupid.
DeleteTHANK YOU! The dumbing down of voilà is so irritating and becoming so common on crafting blogs.
DeleteYes, it is quite irritating. Is there not spell check?
DeleteIf u can't say something nice don't say anything at all... people who live in glass houses should not throw stones... and my favorite is ... get a life, get laid and try to be happier!
DeleteI'm thinking that if you had a picture frame with glass you could glue the baubles to the glass (instead of a magnet)and do a glitter bauble mosaic. Attach a wire to suspend it in a window that sunlight beams through and "wallaa" (lol) you have a beautiful thingy.... lol... would be pretty though. When i can get my head out of the wood work and my auto restoration i may try that. I LOVE GLITTER TOO!!!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove that you are testing these pins out and showing your process with tips etc. This is something i think my family would enjoy doing and fairly inexpensive. I get my E6000 from Hobby Lobby lol. Thank you for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteSO CUTE! Where have you found magnets strong enough for this to work? I've tried several different magnet projects and they never turn out good enough to actually hold up anything on my fridge! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI''ve found that rare earth (also known as neodymium) magnets are very strong. I get mine on etsy (look under craft supplies.)
DeleteVery nice project. Thanks for posting.
ReplyDelete(PS, "Walaaaa" is actually spelled "voilà." You might want to fix that to avoid any potential embarrassment.)
I could care less if she spelled it correctly or was just being cute......the only thing "embarrassing" is all the people that have to point out the itty bitty supposedly typo mistake. Get a life. Love the glitter magnets.....try saying something positive. It will really make you feel better as a person......just sayin! :-)
DeleteI'm going to start using the word WALAAAA instead of Voila just because I can. HA
The only embarrassing thing about her post is the fact that you felt the need to point that misspelling out.
DeleteDefinitely giving these a go!!!! And I don't think I'd be too embarrassed over using "walaaaa" over voila, walaaaa sounds waaaayyyy more fun!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat post and thanks for the tip about E6000 Glue. I don't know if we have it this side of the Atlantic but I shall look.
ReplyDeleteI'm so going to do this.
ReplyDeleteWhere did you purchase your magnets? I am only finding regular magnets that will not work and am having a hard time finding strong magnets.
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! Thank you so much for sharing. The children were precious. Do you think you could do the same project but use small photos (faces only) of family? I wasn't sure if the glue would ruin the pics or not...even over time. I guess there's only one sure way to know. Thank you again for a great idea!!
ReplyDeleteI have collected magnets for 35 years and made them for almost as long, but I think these will be my favorites. I love anything that sparkles or shines. Spray paint it gold and I LOVE it. thanks for the crafty recipe.
ReplyDeleteyou can get the strong magnets at ""
ReplyDeleteWonderful!!! I MUST try this! :)
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of glue did you use to dip the glitter in, E6000? Would love to make with my kids!
ReplyDeletecould I use a mod podge instead of varnish?
ReplyDeleteLove this idea!! Like to make little crafty gifts for clients at Christmas time. Thinking I may try this with maybe putting a little initial down before the glitter to personalize it and see how that looks! Thanks for the post!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving this project personality. We love glitter.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great project - I love this idea. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited to do these!! Thank you so much for publishing this!! Love your Blog .. xoxo
ReplyDeleteAn idea I saw recently on pinterest was to glue grommets onto card stock paper and attach the magnets to those. A very cool way to give a gift nicely finished
ReplyDeleteI actually have done this project with photos on the back of the glass domes instead of glitter .. I did it with my daughter when she was three (shes 15 now!) ... its really neat because the glass domes magnify the photos! Its a great craft to do with kids, they can cut out pics from magazines or photos of their pets .. I have to make one with my kitties cute little face.. magnified Monkey (my cat)
ReplyDeleteI like that grommet idea ..
I used E6000 to dip the glitter in (I use E6000 for everything) .. it really holds and it has a thicker consistency then Elmers glue so the glitter doesn't drip off .. the Martha Glitter I used is pretty heavy. E600 is at Michaels. I actually just looked and found it on Amazon at a better price then I pay.
I do think Mod Podge would work well with the fine glitter. I recently discovered Mod Podge Dimensional ... Oh the ideas!!!
haha "we love glitter" .. I agree .. everything is better with glitter :) We just purchased a 203 year old home and are renovating (I swear Pinterest made me do it LOL) .. although its a creative process I haven't glittered anything for over 2 months and Im going through withdrawal. And I have a box of Milk Paint thats calling out to me ... ahhhh the need to craft :)
ps .. the Mod Podge will not hold the magnet to the glass dome .. the domes are really heavy as well so remember to get a strong magnet or they will just sllllide off the fridge :) even a glue gun wont work to hold the magnet to the glitter because it wont adhere to the glitter (tried it) .. E6000 is the only glue I found that will hold the magnet to the dome ..
ReplyDeleteHi, I like your blog, it is so well designed. We Manufacture, Supply & Export Electromagnetic Materials, Electromagnetic Separators etc from India.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing with us.
I am from Romania and I would have loved to have some, but, unfortunately, I have no acces to them, such things are far too much expensive for our salaries!... As much as I can afford I shall always be around for new and creative ideas :)
ReplyDeleteWow! De ce noi romanii trebuie sa le spunem tuturor ce amarati suntem si ca nu ne ajung salariile. Suna cam a cersetorie. Mie imi pare rau ca nu va ajung banii sa faceti un astfel de proiect dar sa sa scrieti asta pe un site international, unde nu se vorbesc astfel de subiecte, arata rau. Cu respect, un alt roman.
DeleteDo you know of an alternative to the e6000 glue? I really love making these but the glue makes me so so sick.
ReplyDeleteUse Aleene's Glass & Bead glue. It's far superior, in my opinion - and I make several hundred pendants a year - not like this, but still using that glue - and I can leave them sitting at my desk while I do other stuff and not even get lightheaded.
DeleteI want to do this with my 6 year old son - I have never used E6000 glue - should I worry about him dipping the glass bead with the E6000 glue on it into the glitter and having his little fingers stuck to the glass bead???
ReplyDeleteREAD THE BACK OF THE GLUE TUBE...Do it outdoors be careful inhaling it!!
DeleteAnonymous, the glue made me soo sick for the rest of the day, but I was the only one affected. I had two 4 yos and a 6yo use it with no stickiness or sickness problems. But I would either do it outside or open a window if you use that glue.
ReplyDeleteit has several warning labels on it about the harmful, cancer causing vapors....which is why I was hoping the author would offer an alternative glue
ReplyDeleteHey i was wondering what glue is used
DeleteI am wondering if using the glitter glue pens or glitter paint would work instead of glue and loose glitter? Has anyone tried this?
ReplyDeleteI would love to know where do you find your necklace chain for the glitter necklaces? I think this is a wonderful project to do at my daughter's birthday party in two weeks, so I am now going through your list and buying exactly what you are stating! Fingers crossed! I'm going to give them the options of magnets AND a necklace :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! Michelle
Michelle again .......I'm also confused about glass domes versus flat back marbles; are they two different things? Would so appreciate the help ..... thanks! Michelle
ReplyDeleteGlass domes you find them in any craft/and floral aisle. You see them all the time in vases to hold flowers as a decorative accent, etc.
DeleteIt is the same thing. Flat backed marbles or floral stones, glass stones, etc. Same thing different names.
DeleteI have done the same thing but instead of using glitter I have used various types of nail polish to include crackle. They have come out just as beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThis blog is further than my expectations. Nice work guys!!! custom refrigerator magnets
ReplyDeleteOMG! I LOVE the necklace you made, and you are way less messy than me - I created the original blog post that you pinned! I'm so glad I found your blog, it looks like you guys had fun!
ReplyDeleteIf you are making the glitter discs for a necklace does it have to have the magnet on the back?
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love these! They are beautiful, and will make for some equally beautiful jewelry. Thanks so much for sharing!
I hath featured these on my blog, with a source link to this page. I thought thee might like to know. :) Here is the page: Thanks again for sharing!
Keep up the good work, have a lovely day.
Queen Werandra
I did a few last night (7/12/14) and they came out very nice. Very easy to do. Thank you. B.I.B.L.E.
ReplyDeletegreat post and fabulous team
ReplyDeletei love your story, many thanks
best regards, sylvia
Where did you get your magnets? Are they strips or are they circle magnets? And I'm not the anonymous who made the comments about spelling!
ReplyDeleteWhere do you find strong magnets? I can't. Great idea!!
ReplyDeleteThese are beautiful! I am definitely going to give them a try for Christmas gifts this year...
ReplyDeleteI've included a link to here in this week's #Pintorials (teeny tiny, totally cool crafts) :)
AARRGGHH youse yanks!!...WALAAAA ain't Voila, it's simply part of the joyful refrain of BING BANG WALLAH WALLAAAA BING BANG! Get over yourselves! Americans have been simplifying foreign spelling (beginning with English) since that Franklin fellow wrote a new Spelling Primer. I believe you are still using it? Creates havoc with spellcheck the world over! Elisabeth from Pinterest
ReplyDeleteIt sounded like Voila said by babies!��
DeleteNice ressources, thank you very much for sharing.
ReplyDeletemarble exporters in india
but exactly what kind of magnets?
ReplyDeleteAmazing blog!!!! Me getting great knowledge after reading this blog so I am crazy for this and I want discuss this between our friendsbuy-twitter-followers…
ReplyDeleteI would really bbe concrned about having children use the E 6000 because of the vapors. This type of adhesive contains toluene that can damage certain centers in the brain that may effect balance ,equilibrium issues, upper respiratory tract irritation and other problems on developing yougsters. Not good for skin contact either. I am an adult and do not use inside at all.
ReplyDeleteThat is really a lovely idea!
ReplyDeleteThese look amazing! Can't wait to try making them with my group! :)
ReplyDeleteIlinca from GrumpyDumpling
These are fabulous! I work at a daycare, and we aremaking these for Mother's Day! Thank you so much for the lovely step by step process.
ReplyDeletehi, are you able to give more details on what E6000 glue is please. In Australia we don't have the stores you've mentioned. I apologise if you've already answered this, I can't see it in looking back through previous posts, cheers!
ReplyDeletehi, are you able to give more details on what E6000 glue is please. In Australia we don't have the stores you've mentioned. I apologise if you've already answered this, I can't see it in looking back through previous posts, cheers!
ReplyDeletehi, are you able to give more details on what E6000 glue is please. In Australia we don't have the stores you've mentioned. I apologise if you've already answered this, I can't see it in looking back through previous posts, cheers!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI found that Walmart has great prices on the E6000 glue. It is $3.15 for the same size tube that the craft stores (hobby Lobby and Joannes) sell it for at $4.99. I found that they also have better selection and prices on the glitter too.
DeleteWhat glue did you use on back of glob so glitter would stick? The E6000?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi there & thanks for sharing your beautiful magnets. They are so Groovy!
ReplyDeleteWould you please advise how much of the flat surface the magnet should cover? I purchased very strong magnets but the 1/2" size looks too small. What do you think? Thanks so much and your project is just Fabulous!
This is my very first time that I am visiting here and I’m truly pleasurable to see everything about office magnets.
ReplyDeletestrong office magnets
Hi, I am planning to try to do this with my daughter as a little bonding project. I would like to know where did you get the magnets and what strength were they. I do not want to buy ones that are not strong enough to hold the stones.. thank you and would really appreciate a response.
ReplyDeleteFantastic post, really like that you included the children's individuality and talents in the process.
ReplyDeleteWill I need a certain type of varnish? Is the type I will need sold in craft stores? Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWhat happens when you try this on the pearl or opal marbles? Does it not stick properly or just look funky? I bought a batch from our dollar tree a while back and I wanted to use them for something like this but now I worry they will not work for some reason.
ReplyDeleteIts nice,This is useful and very Wonderful article, Thanks for shearing something like this article.
ReplyDeleteCommodity Free Trial Tips
You are letting children use E6000?
ReplyDeleteExactly! And, varnish? Not a very safe project for kids. Would be safer to use Mod Podge.
DeleteHas anyone seen any heart shaped clear gems. May be a cute valentine's project.
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ReplyDeleteThanks for this tutorial! Just finished following your instructions and very pleased with the results! Beautiful!!
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ReplyDeleteThese are gorgeous. Such a beautifully simple idea, with just gorgeous results. Would be a lot of fun to start a kids birthday party, and then have them take home the finished magnet at the end of the party!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! I like your creativity. There's a lot of Disc Magnets online for you to use.
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ReplyDeleteAwesome pendent creation i loved it. Thanks for sharing pictures. You can buy Marble Glass For Durga Pooja here.
ReplyDeleteWhat type of glitter is used? i see bigger glitter in there?
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ReplyDeleteWas there a certain finish for the varnish you used?
ReplyDeleteWhat comes to mind is magnets, cuff links for ladies, etc.
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I love GLITTER!!!!!! Thanks so much. This is great:-)
ReplyDeleteAmazing post! Checkout custom magnets direct for amazing custom magnets.
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